What we enjoyed reading this week
Peter Drucker: How to (Actually) Manage Your Time
- Record, Diagnose, Consolidate your time; and repeat
- Diagnosing your time: focus your time on things you excel at; identify other things and delegate, outsource or automate
- “Even one-quarter of the working day, if consolidated in large time units, is usually enough to get the important things done.” — Drucker
3 Steps To Create A High-functioning Team
- Actively make time for group leadership development
- The team and their individual goals should be aligned to the strategic (long term) goals of the company
- Get the right people on the bus, in the right seats — to paraphrase Jim Collins
To Get Consumers to Trust AI, Show Them Its Benefits
- Customer skepticism for AI despite some being ready to use; low on trust from users
- To gain the trust of users, focus on cognitive compatibility, trialability, and usability
- AI Could Give Managers half of their time back, if we give it a chance!
3 Trends That Will Completely Change the World by 2020
Follow the path of creativity and you will succeed…Why?
- “In a deflationary world, ideas are more valuable than products. If you have ideas that can help people improve their businesses, then you will make a lot of money.”
- “Ideas are the true currency of this next century. I don’t care about the dollar or gold or health care. Any movement in those will just create opportunities for people who know when to take advantage of them. The key is to become an idea machine.”
- “People say “ideas are a dime a dozen” or “execution is everything.” These statements are not really true. It’s difficult to come up with 10 new ideas a day (try it), and execution ideas are just a subset of ideas.”
Links and takeaways shared by Libby Swan and Anurag Banerjee.